Dermacentor Tick
The tick species Dermacentor is mainly found on dogs and is called a dog killer by spreading a deadly virus, but the tick is certainly not without danger to humans. The tick can transmit the TIBOLA disease and has now also been reported in the Netherlands.
Where does the Dermacentor live?
The Dermacentor is a big problem in the Rocky Mountains in North America, but the tick is also found in Europe and other parts of the world. The Dermacentor is a threat especially in the Southern European countries and the tick is also slowly starting to pose a danger in the Netherlands.
Diseases caused by the Dermacentor
The Dermacentor tick can be deadly for animals, but it also poses a danger to humans. Some ticks are infected with the Ricketsia slovaca bacteria, the culprit of TIBOLA disease. The disease can usually be recognized by a pimple that becomes ulcerated and secretes yellow fluid after a few days, causing crusts to form. This can be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes and a bald spot on the skin. The symptoms can develop 1 to 55 days (average 9) after the bite and last for months. A course of antibiotics is necessary to treat the disease.