Fishing clothes from Rovince
When fishing, you will almost always find yourself surrounded by all kinds of vegetation: grasses, flowers, bushes, shrubs, you name it. Near plants, you will always find all kinds of animals. Animals that you like to see passing by, but also animals that you probably would rather not have anything to do with. An example of this are ticks. These are small parasites, often only the size of a needle head. Unseen, these creatures crawl via grasses, plants and bushes onto your clothing and skin, where they then attach themselves. Sometimes they come loose after a few hours, but sometimes it even takes a few days. In the meantime, they can transmit all kinds of nasty diseases, with all the consequences that entails. A well-known one is Lyme disease. Fortunately, Rovince has found a way to prevent infection. Simply by wearing ZECK-Protec tick-resistant fishing clothing.
ZECK-Protec fishing clothing from Rovince against ticks
The fishing clothing from ZECK-Protec is made with a special coating, which ensures that ticks cannot attach themselves to your clothing. As a result, they fall off immediately, so that you do not run the risk of a nasty infectious disease that the animal could transmit to you. And all this without any danger to public health - something that our special certification can guarantee you. The clothing has been tested in various areas and secured against harmful influences in both the short and long term.
Suitable tick-resistant fishing clothing for everyone
ZECK-Protec tick-resistant outdoor clothing is available in various designs. This way you can easily choose a model that suits you. And perhaps even more importantly: in every piece of clothing that you need. Because trousers, shirts, gloves, caps and even socks are part of our range. After all, you are only fully protected against ticks if you pay attention to every part of your body. With the Rovince ZECK-Protec tick-resistant fishing clothing you do that as well as possible.