Rovince hiking clothes
Safe and comfortable walking with Rovince walking clothes
Lovely walks in nature. Put on your walking shoes and go! Many walkers don't need more than that to get going. But a walk can be so much more comfortable and safer when the rest of your clothing is adapted to the walk. At Rovince you will find comfortable walking clothing that also protects you from insect bites and ticks. That makes walking a lot more pleasant.
Tick-resistant walking clothing
Do you also enjoy beautiful walks through the woods, over the heathlands, along streams and in the dunes? That is of course enjoyable, but are you also aware of the danger that lurks in trees and bushes, between dead leaves and in the tall grass? We are talking about ticks here. You want to prevent a tick bite at all times, because ticks can transmit Lyme disease to people. That is why it is important that you wear clothing that protects against ticks. Rovince hiking clothing has a harmless and skin-friendly coating. This coating prevents ticks from attaching to the clothing or crawling towards the skin. In addition, our clothing also protects against annoying insects, such as mosquitoes. Rovince hiking clothing is very comfortable, so what is stopping you? View our collection of tick-resistant hiking clothing here!