Tropical clothing

The tropics are one of the most beautiful areas in our world. Nowadays, people are increasingly choosing to travel to the tropics. Traveling to the tropics often gives travelers an unforgettable experience, but the destination also entails risks. These risks are mainly caused by insects and parasites, but the sun can also be dangerous in these areas. It is therefore important that you, as a traveler to the tropics, take good precautions before departure, such as purchasing tropical clothing, medicines and vaccinations.
Diseases you can get in the tropics
Tropical areas are home to many insects and parasites that can transmit various diseases to humans and animals. Although there are many vaccinations available for people traveling to tropical areas, it is not possible to protect yourself against all diseases that you can contract in the tropics. That is why it is recommended to take preventive measures if you are planning to travel to a tropical area. Thanks to Rovince tropical clothing, you are protected against mosquitoes that can transmit the following diseases, among others:
The disease Malaria is caused by a mosquito bite from a female mosquito. The female mosquito transmits parasites to human bodies during the bite. It is possible to prevent the disease Malaria with special medicines called malaria pills. Malaria has several forms and there is also a form of Malaria that is fatal.

The Zika virus is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. The Zika virus cannot directly develop into a life-threatening disease, but can cause an abnormality in an unborn child. When a woman is infected with the Zika virus during her pregnancy, the unborn child is at risk of the brain disorder Microcephaly. To date, there is no vaccination available against the Zika virus. That is why it is wise to purchase effective preventive measures, such as tropical clothing.
A disease that people also cannot vaccinate against is dengue fever, also known as dengue. This disease is spread by mosquitoes and can eventually develop into the life-threatening disease dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. When these developments occur, bleeding occurs in the body.
These hemorrhages continue to spread and can eventually lead to shock. Dengue shock syndrome can eventually result in the death of the patient.
In the tropics, various diseases are spread by mosquitoes. However, mosquitoes are not the only ones. We recommend that you always be well prepared by having, for example: DEET, tablets and tropical clothing with an insect repellent effect.
Benefits of tropical clothing
Tropical clothing is therefore an ideal means of protection against insects that are found in the tropics. However, this is not the only advantage that tropical clothing offers. The clothing also offers protection against the dangers of the sun's power. In tropical areas, this power can increase considerably, which can ultimately result in sunstroke, skin damage due to burning and dehydration. Rovince clothing is resistant to this. The tropics are known for their high humidity, which makes everything feel clammy. The material of tropical clothing dries faster than normal clothing and therefore limits perspiration.
Prevention with tropical clothing
Tropical diseases can be prevented with Rovince tropical clothing. The tropical clothing is impregnated with Zeck-Protec in a special way. This substance consists of permethrin, against which tropical insects, such as mosquitoes, ticks and leeches are not intended. Where DEET only offers ten hours of protection against these insects, Rovince tropical clothing always remains effective against ticks. The clothing therefore does not need to be treated again with Zeck-Protec after a certain period of time. DEET serves more as a supplementary agent that is often only used in the evening by travellers who are more in urban areas in tropical places. Rovince has a range of tropical clothing for both men and women. We also have various accessories that can be used to supplement the tropical clothing, such as a cap, socks and gloves.