What are the symptoms of Lyme disease?
What are the symptoms of Lyme disease?
A tick bite is not really palpable. It is therefore difficult to detect the bite. It is therefore advisable to check the body for any ticks after a visit to a forest or park, for example.
After a tick bite, various symptoms can occur. Symptoms that can be felt include headache, fever, a stiff neck, or muscle pain. Pain in the nervous system, in the joints, or near the heart can also occur. These symptoms are associated with Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be divided into three stages.
Early Lyme disease
After a tick bite, a red circle (erythema migrans) can appear on the skin. It can take three months before the circle becomes visible. In this phase of the disease, the symptoms are flu-like (headache, fever or muscle pain). If you have these symptoms, you should visit your GP.
Early disseminated Lyme disease
At this stage of Lyme disease you may experience nervous system problems, inflamed or swollen joints and sometimes heart problems. These symptoms can last for several months.

Late Lyme disease
When Lyme disease has been present for more than a year, the skin may turn red/purple. This skin condition, in which the skin becomes very thin, usually occurs on the arms and legs.