Can you be vaccinated against tick-borne diseases?

Can you be vaccinated against tick-borne diseases?

If you are bitten by a tick in the Netherlands, you run the risk of contracting Lyme disease. The disease causes various symptoms and can even have fatal consequences in rare cases. Vaccination against Lyme disease would therefore be ideal, but unfortunately it is not possible to vaccinate against Lyme disease. There are other tick-borne diseases for which a vaccine is available.

Vaccination FSME/Tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral infection that can cause brain inflammation. The disease has several names: FSME, RSSE and TBE. This disease can be contracted by a tick bite, but does not occur in the Netherlands. Ticks that carry this virus are mainly found in the period between March and November in wooded areas. If you are traveling to such an area during this period, it is recommended that you get a vaccination against ticks.


The vaccination for FSME or tick-borne encephalitis consists of three injections, with intervals of one month and five months. However, there is also an accelerated schedule, where you get the second injection two weeks after the first. You are partially protected against a tick bite after two injections. It is best to start the injections six months before departure, but it can also be done three weeks before departure. You are protected against tick-borne encephalitis for a total of three years if you have had all three injections.