Lyme tests and
Rovince is listed as a producer of tick-resistant clothing on, among other places. On you can find the expected tick activity and the site serves as a reporting point for anyone who has been bitten by a tick. Once on that website, you can participate in a study on tick bites, where they also test the connection between a tick bite and Lyme disease. You will be asked to send the tick that bit you to the RIVM after removing it, so that the RIVM can test the tick for the presence of the Borrelia bacteria, the cause of Lyme disease. The study is free of charge. If you participate in the study, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire every three months for a year and a half.
Purpose of the research and the Lyme tests
The RIVM wants to use your completed questionnaires to find out when and how often symptoms of Lyme disease manifest themselves after a tick bite. Furthermore, the RIVM tests when and how often a tick bite results in a serious disease other than Lyme disease. In addition, the RIVM wants to use this research to provide insight into the social consequences of Lyme disease. The tests that are taking place are therefore used for the broadest possible purpose. The first results of the research and the Lyme tests are expected in just over a year. Perhaps interesting new facts regarding Lyme disease will come to light, which you can also benefit from.