The benefits of Rovince ranger clothing
Rovince ranger clothing is more than just comfortable
Professionals who work in nature must take various factors into account when choosing their clothing. First of all, there is of course the weather. Changing or extreme temperatures, precipitation, wind, everything is possible in our frog country. Then it is nice if the clothing protects, keeps you dry and is comfortable in all weather conditions. The Rovince ranger clothing fully meets these requirements. That in itself is reason enough to fill a (work) wardrobe with it, but there is more.
Strong, flexible and perfect camouflage colours
Rovince ranger clothing is made of sturdy material and can withstand a knock or two, without compromising your freedom of movement. That's great, because the fabric won't tear when you're walking through the bushes. In addition, the colours of the clothing blend in perfectly with nature. That makes it easier to spot and approach animals, without disturbing nature. But that's not all. Rovince clothing is unique in the fact that the fabric it's made of is tick-resistant!
The big advantage
Outdoor professionals, such as forest rangers and gardeners, but also nature lovers, such as hikers, are increasingly confronted with the ever-increasing number of ticks. These small spider-like creatures, which live on the blood of animals or humans, can be a source of misery. There is a possibility that they are infected with the Borrelia bacteria. This bacteria can cause Lyme disease in humans. Although the symptoms can vary from person to person, sometimes inflammation occurs in the joints and in the brain, which is often difficult to treat.
Preventing tick bites is therefore of the utmost importance. Of course, avoiding places where ticks are present would be the best solution. However, that is not realistic. After all, ticks are also in our backyards. And certainly in professions such as that of a forest ranger, it is incredibly difficult to avoid confrontation with ticks. This brings us to the great advantage of Rovince forest ranger clothing: the sustainable protection against tick bites!

98% less chance of tick bites
Although applying and injecting various anti-tick products does help somewhat, it is far from sufficient to prevent tick bites. Moreover, it is almost impossible to keep applying continuously. Wearing tick-repellent clothing is therefore a godsend, because it reduces the chance of tick bites by 98%!
All Rovince anti-tick clothing is impregnated with the tick-repellent and scientifically proven product Zeck-Protec during production. Zeck-Protec contains permethrin, a synthetic variant of an insect repellent substance that occurs in nature. This substance gives the 'hot feet effect'. When a tick tries to attach itself to clothing, a thermal reaction occurs and the tick literally and figuratively becomes 'too hot under the feet'. As a result, the tick drops off the clothing within 20 seconds on average.
A few more advantages of the Rovince ranger clothing?
breathable and ventilated
good fit
UV50+ protection
also protects against mosquitoes (and therefore also against tropical diseases such as Zika and Malaria)
odorless and colorless impregnation with Zeck-Protec for the entire lifespan
no after-treatment required