Tick prevention and Rovince

If you work in a profession where you run an increased risk of a tick bite, it is extremely important to practice tick prevention. Tick prevention starts with wearing the right clothing: always wear tick-resistant clothing from Rovince during your work. This impregnated, protective, certified clothing covers a large part of the body.


What else can you do for tick prevention?

In addition to wearing our protective clothing as tick prevention, the following steps are also part of tick prevention:

Apply an insect repellent containing DEET to the parts of your skin that are still visible (for example your hands).
Check your skin for ticks at least twice a day, especially if you are in an area that is sensitive to ticks all day long.
Walk on paved paths as much as possible.
If you would like more tick prevention tips, please feel free to contact us.


Tick ​​prevention was not effective enough

Even though you protected yourself so well and followed all the tick prevention rules, it still went wrong. How do you treat a bite?

Use special tick tweezers to clamp the tick. (Do not simply touch the tick with your hands).
Try to pull the tick out of your skin in one go, so that there is no risk of any of the tick remaining in your skin.
Do not anaesthetise the tick beforehand, because this will cause the tick to spit out the contents of its stomach. These contents can then enter your bloodstream.

It is also important to note the date you were bitten and the location of the tick bite on your body. This way you can keep track of how any symptoms develop. If you develop symptoms, consult your family doctor.

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