
Ixodes Ricinus / Sheep Tick
The Ixodus Ricinus is also called the Sheep Tick and is the only tick species that occurs in the Netherlands. The tick is known in the Netherlan...
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The tick while walking in Scotland
Scotland has many hills and mountains where hikers regularly get a tick bite. Especially after a mild winter period, many ticks can be found in...
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Geocaching, the modern treasure hunt
Geocaching is also known as treasure hunting in 2017. With the help of GPS coordinates, it is possible to find treasures in your area. You do n...
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Anaplasmosis is an example of a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to animals and humans by ticks. The culprit is the bacterium Anaplas...
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The Dermacentor Reticulatus, the tick that transmits Lyme disease, unfortunately has more strings to its bow. When this tick carries the parasit...
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Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease, is just one of many harmful bacteria that ticks can transmit. A tick bite can also cause ricket...
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Spotted Fever
Spotted fever is an example of Rickettsiosis. This is an infection caused by a bacterium from the Rickettsia group. This harmful bacterium can b...
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What is the Zika Virus?
The Zika virus is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. The mosquito species responsible for spreading the Zika virus is the Aedes. This mo...
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Tropical clothing
The tropics are one of the most beautiful areas in our world. Nowadays, people are increasingly choosing to travel to the tropics. Traveli...
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Backpack clothing
Backpack essentials The backpack itself is one of the most important parts of your trip. The backpack is like your suitcase that you carr...
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Ticks on animals
Not only humans can be bitten by ticks, but animals can too. Ticks are attracted to the warmth and movement of mammals, which means that dogs...
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Lyme disease during pregnancy
Lyme disease always carries risks, including for pregnant women. However, it is not the case that a person who is pregnant is extra vulnerable a...
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