Consequences of a tick bite
Consequences of a tick bite
Since ticks are common in forests, bushes or parks, it is important to check your body carefully after a nature walk or after gardening. The consequences of a tick bite can be serious. If the bite is caused by an infected tick, the result can be Lyme disease. Lyme disease (named after the town of Old Lyme, in the United States, where the disease was first detected) can lead to paralysis and is caused by the Borrelia bacteria. By removing the tick within 24 hours of the bite, the chance of infection is very small. If the tick is not removed, infection occurs between 24 and 78 hours. The bacteria then end up in the lymph and bloodstream, causing them to spread throughout the body.
Complaints after a tick bite
Symptoms after a tick bite can include a flu-like feeling, fever, headache or eye problems. Paralysis symptoms can also occur. If no red circle has developed after six weeks, but there are symptoms, it is advisable to visit your GP. A course of antibiotics can help.
Not every tick is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, which means that Lyme disease is not always the result of a tick bite. It is important to note the date of the bite and to go to the doctor immediately with any complaints.

Prevent tick bites from now on
Would you like to be well protected against tick bites in the future and prevent them?
Then take a look at our tick-repellent clothing: