Risk of being bitten by a tick?

Supervising parks, maintaining parks or redesigning nature areas are examples of activities where you run the risk of being bitten by a tick every day. And if you run the risk of being bitten by a tick during your work, it is important to be informed and protected preventively.


Protect yourself well

Ticks are the main cause of Borrelia Lyme, a disease that can lead to complete incapacity for work in chronic cases. Your employer has a duty of care and can protect you preventively by reducing the chance of being bitten by a tick. This is possible with certified personal protection products such as Rovince ZECK-Protec tick-resistant clothing.


For which target group?

Rovince ZECK-Protec tick-resistant clothing is specially developed for professional use and offers you maximum protection against ticks – and therefore against Borrelia Lyme disease. The sophisticated fit and full certification of the ZECK-Protec tick-resistant clothing line not only ensure that the wearing comfort of the clothing is increased, but also that the chance of being bitten by a tick is significantly reduced. Rovince ZECK-Protec tick-resistant clothing guarantees optimum protection and maximum safety.

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