The tick while walking in Germany

In Germany, they have been actively researching ticks in recent years, which already indicates how seriously these nasty creatures should be taken in this country. Germany is quite similar to the Netherlands in the area of ​​ticks, so it is smart to be suspicious of the dangers of ticks when walking in nature. In Germany even a little more than in the Netherlands, because our eastern neighbors have to deal with a different type of tick disease. In Germany, after a tick bite, you can not only contract Lyme disease, but you also run the risk of becoming infected with tick-borne encephalitis.

Tick-borne encephalitis / TBE after tick bite in southern Germany

Tick-borne encephalitis has not been given the German name Frühsommer Meningo-Encephalitis (FSME) for nothing. The disease is common in Central Europe in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and some surrounding areas.
This disease is a form of encephalitis and is particularly common in nature reserves in the south of Germany. TSME is transmitted by ticks and these creatures are mainly found in nature. Infection with this virus can cause fever and flu. One in three people also suffer from encephalitis, which is accompanied by headaches, dizziness and stiffness of the neck, shoulders and back. One percent die from this disease, which is mainly contracted in the months of March to November. There are no antibiotics against the disease, but a vaccination is possible. This vaccine is recommended for people who spend a lot of time in German nature.

Germany and Lyme Disease

Just like the Netherlands, Germany is also full of ticks that can infect people with Lyme disease. Ixodes Ricinus, the tick that spreads this disease, hides in tall grasses, bushes, trees and plants. So it is especially important to be careful in German nature reserves.
If a red circular spot appears at the site of the tick bite, this is the symptom of Lyme disease. After infection, fever and flu develop. At a later stage, joints, the nervous system and the heart can be affected. The disease can even lead to death if it is not treated (properly). Lyme disease can be cured by means of a course of antibiotics.


Risk areas in Germany

In Germany, the risk of infection is greatest in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia. Furthermore, it is possible to become infected with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in southern Germany. This disease is common in Central Europe and sometimes causes encephalitis. In other areas in Germany, you should also be careful in places with lots of greenery nearby.